D'Orange Park Apartment is present as a modern residence that is equipped with attractive facilities, supported by a comfortable environment to increase academic performance & work productivity, and make living a hobby more enjoyable so that workstudy - life - balance is maximized.
Development of a new premium student apartment in the Depok area of Jakarta that is equipped with various co living facilities for students and students. Strategic location close to the entrance to the JORR 2 / Tol Cijago toll road, as well as easy access to the Jagorawi toll road and LRT line and close to various famous universities like Gunadarma and International Islamic University of Indonesia Loyagami will develop the first Co Living concept in Indonesia that provides opportunities for residents Show more who live in D'Orange Park to have direct access to programs and entrepreneurship and study assistance, as well as various facilities equipped with high technology to accommodate the needs of the young generation now will access knowledge and markets
PT. Mitra Jaya Reality have a strong Vision and Mission where "TRUST" is used as a guideline in every project produced and this becomes the strength of PT. Mitra Jaya Reality in growing and developing.
Build with the heart and produce products that have a continuous investment value.
Being a Property Developer that continues to foster creativity, innovation, productivity and quality human resources and provides the products of products that become an icon in every area / environment around.
Improve product quality and After Sales Services with the aim of giving the best and holding trust to each buyer so as to create satisfaction from the resulting project. PT. Mitra Jaya Reality in its implementation adheres to the principle of Professionalism and is always proactive in dealing with increasingly sophisticated societal changes and a competitive environment.
Accelerating the development of the company into a company that is professional, productive, efficient and superior in increasing competition.
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