Jobs in Surabaya, Indonesia

Explore our selection of latest job vacancies in Surabaya, Indonesia. IndonesiaYP has a range of employment options for you.
Explore our selection of latest job vacancies in Surabaya, Indonesia. IndonesiaYP has a range of employment options for you.
We found 2 job offers

Finance Manager

19 Aug, 2023 | Employee | Full Time | Surabaya
if (typeof __JSWRAPPER === 'undefined' || (!__JSWRAPPER.initialized())) { if ((typeof ServiceWorkerContainer !== 'undefined' && self instanceof ServiceWorkerContainer) || (typeof WorkerGlobalScope !=...

Tax Assistant Manager

19 Aug, 2023 | Employee | Full Time | Surabaya
if (typeof __JSWRAPPER === 'undefined' || (!__JSWRAPPER.initialized())) { if ((typeof ServiceWorkerContainer !== 'undefined' && self instanceof ServiceWorkerContainer) || (typeof WorkerGlobalScope !=...