List of Companies in Semarang, Indonesia
Searching for businesses in Semarang? Explore a directory of 20,980 companies located in Semarang, Indonesia. Top companies in Indonesia, businesses near me. Page 2.
We found 20,980 companies. Page 2
Lunpia Express
Lunpia Express is one of the best Lunpia Resto in Semarang. Lunpia Express serve a quality lumpia. Lunpia Express open everyday start 05.00 am - 10.00 pm.
Verified+6 Years with us
Is a contractor company engaged in general contractor services and building contractors, specifically pile foundation work using bore pile or borepile, strauspile, pile drill, cut and feel, and strauspile foundation with more priority to quality, timely work a...
Verified+6 Years with us
2Ferry Advertising
Ferry Advertising is the first & largest advertising company in the city of Purwokerto, Central Java. We prioritize the Best Quality from Material Aspects, Professional Workers, and are supported with high-tech equipment. "Let's Make Amazing Things Together" R...
Verified+6 Years with us
desa tahunan Rt03 Rw01 tahunan jepara, Semarang
Jati Luhur Putra kami berkomitmen memberikan nilai lebih dari pada hanya produsen atau supplier dari komoditas produk-produk furniture ini, kami sangat menghargai hubungan baik jangka panjang dalam berbisnis. Kami berkomitmen bisa memberi kontribusi dalam kebu...
Verified+12 Years with us
4Konsultan Hukum Hm.Asrori.SH & Partners
Melayani permasalahan hukum pidana, hukum perdata, hukum keluarga, hukum bisnis, hukum pailit, hukum ketenagakerjaan, hukum kesehatan, hukum PTUN, hukum perbankan, hukum dagang, hukum waris, serta legal opinion hubungi 082242045119 atau
Verified+6 Years with us
jl Tearatai 45 Kupang Kidul Rt02 Rw08 Ambarawa ambarawa 50612, Jawa Tengah Indonesia, Semarang, Java
UD. TANI JAYA is an agricultural seed supplier in Indonesia.Estabilished since 1980, we have served Indonesian government reboization programs in several places such Java, Sumatra and Kalimantan .We supply seed of cover crop like CM ( colopogonium mucunoides),...
Verified Updated
6Lintang Gypsum
Mranggen, Demak, Demak, Semarang
Jasa Pasang Plafon Gypsum Kab. Semarang. Kami adalah kontraktor pekerjaan pemasangan untuk semua jenis plafon dan partisi: Plafon Gypsum, Plafon Kalsiboard, Plafon Grc, Plafon Pvc,Plafon Akustik, Partisi Gypsum, Partisi Kalsiboard, Partisi Grc, Partisi Pvc, Pa...
Verified+5 Years with us
Mataram Plaza B-1, JL MT Haryono 427-429, Semarang, Semarang, Nusa Tenggara
Verified+10 Years with us
Perusahaan Kami jasa sewa / rental alat berat. Berbagai Type & Merk Alat Berat Konstruksi Pembangunan Proyek dan Perkebunan, Pertambangan. kami menyewakan berbagai macam alat berat : Excavator, Bulldozer, Vibro, Crane, Greader, Loader, Dump Truck, dll.Tersedia...
Verified+6 Years with us
9Q Interior & Arch
Q Interior & Arsitektur Semarang – Indonesia, merupakan penyedia jasa interior desain dan arsitektur yang berdiri sejak tahun 2005. Kami tidak pernah berhenti berinovasi untuk meningkatkan produk, kualitas dan pelayanan kami. Kami berkonsentrasi penuh bahwa se...
Verified+6 Years with us
10Satria Perwira
Satria Perwira is one of the digital solutions that prioritizes services specifically in software development, websites, and digital marketing. Originally from Purwokerto and Purbalingga, the name Satria Perwira was created from the nickname of the 2 cities. B...
Verified+6 Years with us
11Bimoo Transport Semarang
Jl. Candi Prambanan Tengah I No.2. Kalipancur, Ngalian Semarang. Telp (0274) 6517878. Contact Person Marketing : 0818460178, 081215506778, Semarang, Java
Disewakan Bus Pariwisata dan Kendaraan Wisata/Pribadi : 1. Mikrobus VVIP semi omah mlaku. 6 core seat Jumbo Leg rest dan 4 frontseat, 2 smoking area seat. Full AC, DVD, Karaoke, Home theater, Toilet, Area Smoking. sewa Per hari Rp.1.800.000,00 jt city tour. ov...
Verified+10 Years with us
12Exotic Properties Ltd.
Real estate @ Houses and apartments for sale or rent all over Asia. Thousands of properties in Bali, Lombok,Hua Hin,Koh lanta,Koh Samui,Krabi,Phuket.
Verified+12 Years with us
14Grace Printhead
Grace Print Head Established since 2006. From that time until now, we continue to grow in the business of selling spare parts of its specialized printer to handle sales Printhead. Grace Printhead is one of the largest distributors in Indonesia, many leading st...
Verified+7 Years with us
15Karya Guna Internusa, CV
Kami merupakan badan usaha yang bergerak dibidang penjualan pintu otomatis kaca beserta pemsanganya dan aksesoris untuk pintu lipat kaca frameless serta menjual berbagai kaca dekoratif untuk dekorasi interior bangunan seperti kaca cermin antiq, cermin tempered...
Verified+8 Years with us
16Kumpulan remaja
kumpulan remaja membahas tentang tips internet dan internet gratis Membahas Tentang Paket Internet, Internet Gratis, SSH, VPN, Antivirus, Trader, Termux, Setting Aplikasi,Trick dan Tips, Ulasan Aplikasi dan Admob.
Verified+5 Years with us
17Stefanus School of Hypnotism
Stefanus School of Hypnotism (SSH) is hypnosis and hypnotherapy training institution in Purwokerto which organizes training for the area BARLINGMASCAKEB (Banjarnegara, Purbalingga, Banyumas, Cilacap, Kebumen) and its surroundings. SSH is one of IBH (Indonesian...
Verified+8 Years with us
18Anugrah Steel
Anugrah steel we are steel distributor in indonesia located in central java,we will supply all your steel bar enquieries,which are small or big project. call us BB Pin:2ABCABC1 mobile:087737475000 adress: JL BRIGJEND SUDIARTO NO 17,PEN...
Verified+11 Years with us
1 ReviewCV. Alinsite Indonesia
Alinsite Indonesia is a company that provides professional website creation services and the best Android application creation services in the city of Semarang
Verified+5 Years with us