Visual Communications - Two Years Advanced Diploma

Visual Communications - Two Years Advanced Diploma
About the product
The study of Visual Communication involves an in depth understanding of a Graphic Designers role in history, society and research. Students will have the opportunity to explore issues of culture, economics and social implications of graphic design solutions. Through major practical projects, students will hone their multi disciplinary skills to offer creative and practical solutions, preparing them for challenging careers combining creativity, concepts and computer software skills in the highly competitive advertising and publishing industries.

The importance of Graphic Design nowadays is constantly growing due to the need of improving companies' image within/a market in a non-stop evolving society with its eyes opened to the upcoming technology. Graphic Design really makes the difference when the consumer has to choose between several brands, and at the end, the visual looks easily will make one of the competitors win the trend in equal conditions. Indirectly, it's the designers' work the "touch of magic" that changes the economy. That wonderful power, finally, is what makes this choice of education so interesting, amongst the ability to develop creative ideas and concepts to show it visually through the accurate use of both manual or technological tools, to achieve an aesthetic and successful purpose.

Career Opportunities

•Creative Director
•Advertising Art Director
•Editorial Designer
•Corporate Identity Designer
•Packaging Designer
•New Media Designer
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