List of Companies in Semarang, Indonesia
Searching for businesses in Semarang? Explore a directory of 20,980 companies located in Semarang, Indonesia. Top companies in Indonesia, businesses near me.
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Verified+11 Years with us
3 ReviewsAsrori Lawyer
Melayani permasalahan hukum pidana, Perdata, hukum bisnis, hukum dagang, hukum pailit, hukum kesehatan, hukum kontrak, hukum perbankan, hukum keluarga, hukum waris, hukum pertanahan, hukum PTUN dan legal opinion
Verified+6 Years with us
1 Reviewdyasfurnicraft
Anda ingin mendapat produk mirror/ frame/ pigura/ kaca/ cermin berkwalitas? Disini tempatnya... Bagi anda yang tinggal di daerah Jakarta dan sekitarnya, bisa menghubungi kami di SAE NIKI FURNITURE, Jl Pahlawan Revolusi Gang Gotong royong Pondok Bambu Jakarta T...
Verified+12 Years with us
3Nyauw Gunarto Semarang
Nyauw Gunarto Semarang is an art gallery that will sell paintings from famous artists from Indonesia. Nyauw Gunarto himself is a famous painter who has painted a countless number of paintings on nature and wildlife.
Verified+6 Years with us
Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa angkutan kargo dan kontainer ini berdiri pada 1993 dan diresmikan oleh Sudjono, Dirjen Perhubungan Darat, Departemen Perhubungan, kala itu. Iron Bird dan AKA menyiapkan layanan hampir 300 truk Volvo, ratusan kendaraan tr...
Verified+9 Years with us
1 ReviewGSI CCTV
GSI CCTV provide : 1. CCTV Instalation 2. CCTV Maintenance 3. Networking 4. Smart Home 5. Alarm 6. Finger Print 7. Pabx
Verified+8 Years with us
1 ReviewKantor Advokat Ali Mansur, M.H & Partners
Advocate located in the capital of Central Java Province experienced in handling legal issues both litigation and non-litigation, civil and criminal cases with individual clients and companies. Our legal services include : Legal Consulting, Legal Advice, Legal...
Verified+8 Years with us
1 ReviewSoftlens x2 seller menjual softlens merk x2 termurah, reseller are welcome. Menyediakan berbagai jenis softlens x2 lensa mata normal maupun softlens minus. Authorized soflen x2 online store.
Verified+9 Years with us
Perusahaan kami yang bergerak di bidang perdagangan barang dan jasa, Kami melayani pengiriman barang ke seluruh wilayah dunia baik dalam negeri maupun luar negeri dengan pelayanan yang memuaskan dan harga yang sangat kompetitif. Sub bidang kami terdiri dari Ko...
Verified+12 Years with us
10Independent herbalife
herbalife semarang timur ( klub kintan terang ) jl.selomulyo mukti timur no.532 tlogomulyo , pedurungan, semarang, Semarang, Java
i am independent herbalife member and distributor and also nutrition consultan about weight management programmy mission making the world healthier and happier
Verified+5 Years with us
11PT. Graha Baja Nusantara
Tentang Kami PT. Graha Baja Nusantara merupakan supplier yang menyediakan keperluan industri, kebutuhan baja, dan kebutuhan material konstruksi seperti pipa, aksesoris pipa, besi beton, plat, dan materi insulasi . Kami menyediakan barang-barang sebagai berikut...
Verified+12 Years with us
12Aan Web SEO & Web Design
We are an SEO and Web Design services company located in Semarang, Central Java. We serve professional website development services for various purposes. We also provide SEO services to support the success of your business in the online world. We are Connectin...
Verified+6 Years with us
13BNS Indonesia / Bahtera Niaga Santoso,UD
BNS Indonesia/ Bahtera Niaga Santoso, UD Company ID registration : SIUP no. 517 / 581 / 11.01 / PM / IX / 2014 TDP no. BNS Indonesia have a cooperation network in production and supply basic with the farmers and providers of various agricultur...
Verified+11 Years with us
14Faridas Art
Our early timber business started from the supply of teakwood material in our hometown, Pati - Central Java - Indonesia and supported by the facility of sawmill having been operating since 1994. Our early business has been developing more and more with the sel...
Verified+12 Years with us
15CV Multi Centro
CV Multi Centro is a company engaged in general trading of goods and services. Our main products such as roofing shingles Manufacturer supplier of roof shingles Circle Type Available with taper and box shape. The dimensions are: Length: 58 cm Width: 8 cm Thick...
Verified+11 Years with us
16Daniico Wedding Planner
Daniico Wedding Planner, Wedding Package Provider complete with affordable price, guaranteed quality and satisfactory service. We are able to become your Wedding Organizer without you hire the services of Wedding Organizer .. Daniico Wedding Planner offers spe...
Verified+8 Years with us
17PT Java Valley Technology
As a company we're the new kid on the block, but our senior staffs has 10+ years' experience in Software Development and/or IT Infrastructure. We provide services for our local and International clients from our little HQ in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. ...
Verified+9 Years with us
18Duta Kacamata
"kami menyediakan paket kacamata lengkap dengan lensanya, lensa terpasang berjenis mika supersin dengan protekai anti UV dan Anti Radiasi Elektromagnet. Sedangkan batasan ukuran minus dalam kacamata paket kami batasi sd minus (-5.00), cylinder (-2.00) dan plus...
Verified+5 Years with us